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  • Level: LLB
  • Subject: Employment Law
  • Type: Coursework
  • Grade: tbc

Case Study Assessment

The Equality Act 2010 ( EA) which came into force on 1st October 2010 replaces and consolidates a number1 of different acts into a comprehensive and wide-reaching ‘unitary’ statute.2 The EA identifies and describes nine protected characteristics from the effects of discrimination .3 The purpose of this paper is to explain how two of these characteristics, race and religion, are treated under the EA in respect of the various actions performed and language communicated by Ian, the employer of Blue Car Rentals Ltd., and any resultant consequences that ramify as a result of his conduct. The paper will also briefly explain some of the potential remedies and actions available to the persons affected by Ian’s behaviour.


  • Level: LLM
  • Subject: Jurisprudence
  • Type: Coursework
  • Grade: 1st

Legal philosophers argue… about an ancient philosophical puzzle of almost no practical importance that has nevertheless had a prominent place in seminars on legal theory: the puzzle of evil law.

The puzzle of evil law refers to the dilemma which judges find themselves in when asked to apply a rule which purports to be law that happens to be morally reprehensible, such as the American Fugitive Slave Act or the dictates of the Nazi regime. Does the evil rule qualify as law, despite being evil? If it is law, is a judge obliged to apply it, and what is the nature of that obligation? Does the legal nature of the rule have any bearing on the judge’s obligations to apply it? In his book Justice for Hedgehogs, Dworkin characterises this debate as one which occupies much theoretical time but which is nevertheless of little practical importance.1 This essay will critically assess this view and evaluate its relevance, both in terms of Dworkin's own theory and the theories of his critics. It will be argued that, contrary to Dworkin’s view, the debate as to what the judge should do when confronted with evil law is in fact of practical value; it can be determinative of whether a judge ends up applying that law or not, and will certainly affect the basis on which he or she decides to do or not do.


  • Level: Master's
  • Subject: International Relations
  • Type: Essay plan
  • Grade: tbc

What determined the political boundaries established, and remaining today, in the contemporary Middle East, following the demise of the Ottoman Empire?

Principal argument: The main factor that determined the formation of states in the Middle East was the pursuit of colonial interests on the part of the French and the British, eager to capitalise on the power vacuum in the wake of Ottoman collapse. However, this was not the sole determinant: the policies of the imperial powers often interacted with local factors and political actors to result in unintended consequences.
