At university level, despite a common seam which unites essay structure, every subject has its own specific requirements that students must meet. Business studies is no different, presenting its own distinct challenges for students trying to write a killer essay. In this post we’ll take a look at a few of the components you should include to bag a top mark.

Make relevant and supported arguments

The good news for all you business studies undergraduates out there is the formulaic approach you can take to your essays, which gives you a very precise framework to follow. Whether it’s marketing, HR, economics or management you’re trying to tackle, your most important consideration should always be the presentation of relevant content you can support with strong references and examples. So, for every point you make, back it up with a theoretical reference or direct quotation from a text book, journal, case study or other academically accepted source.

Reference cases studies

If you’re writing a business studies essay at undergraduate level then you’ll already know just how important case studies are to the construction of your essay. A case study is simply a real world example of a piece of theory or a model put into practice. As the essay writer, there’s no better way of strengthening your argument than referencing a real world example. Case studies provide an insight into the context within which business works. Exploring what can be difficult concepts through real world examples is also a highly effective method of demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the subject area.

Answer the question

This point is not merely applicable to business studies essays, but the whole spectrum of subjects at university level. At GCSE or A Level, you might have gotten away with a well written piece of work that skirting around the edges of a question without ever answering it directly. At university, you won’t. We’re often asked how to write a business studies essay, and our answer is always the same: “make sure you answer the question!”

This is actually a very common mistake and one we’re probably all guilty of at one time or another. When you’re writing a business essay, there’s a good chance you glance at the title initially, form an idea of what you think the question is asking for, then shoot off to the library in search of the right books. Often, it’s not until a couple of thousand words in that you take another look and realise, to your horror, that you haven’t answered the question.

The lesson is that it’s absolutely essential to keep referring back to the question. Once you have a good understanding of the question you can think about the end goal of your essay. Then it’s a simple case of filling in the gaps. Spend time forming an answer and full analysis up front, paying close attention to the question.

Help is at hand

If you’re really struggling to get to grips with writing a business studies essay, the professional essay writer at Oxbridge Essays are always happy to provide the advice and assistance you need. So please get in touch if you need help crafting that excellent business studies essay, or for any other topics or subjects that you want to excel at.