custom essays

  • essay writing tips OBE blogpost compressed image -1200x800px
    Great essay writing in 8 steps
    04th March 2020

    Genuinely useful essay writing advice can be hard to come by. Our academic experts have written the following tips for you to utilise before and whilst crafting your essay to ensure your writing hits the mark. UNDERSTAND THE QUESTION This may, at the face of it, sound like somewhat banal advice – but fact of the […]

  • the secret of custom essay blogpost every pixel compressed
    The secret benefits of a pre-exam custom essay
    29th November 2018

    Having prepared a strong custom essay format for each of a range of commonly asked exam questions is a great way to prepare for exams. With GCSEs and A Levels approaching, we look at a group of custom essays that will come in very handy indeed under exam pressure. This week: compare and contrast.

  • to-what-extent- 200px compressed obe blogpost
    Essay exams: how to answer ‘To what extent…’
    10th October 2018

    This week’s custom essays blog looks at the popular exam essay question ‘To what extent…?’ We create the perfect custom essay format to suit all ‘To what extent’ questions, adaptable to any subject. Read on for details, and a summarised essay structure.

  • What is an essay referencing system?
    25th January 2017

    When composing any piece of written academic work – be it an essay, dissertation or review – it is important to reference secondary sources clearly. There are several methods by which you may do this, though the choice may be made for you: some publications specify how their work must be acknowledged, and indeed some […]

  • First Class Essays
    17th March 2012

    Recent reports show that more and more students are looking outside university for help with essay writing skills. Many turn to companies like Oxbridge essays to help them learn the techniques required to write a first class essay.

  • Custom Essays: Close Reference
    28th May 2011

    Our final Custom Essays blog tackles the common ‘close reference’ essay question. With top tips on content, format and structure, you will be glad to have this custom essay up your sleeve in the exam room! Good luck!

  • Custom Essays: ‘For and Against’
    20th May 2011

    In the latest of our ‘custom essays’ blog series, we bring you a custom essay format for those common ‘For and Against’ style essay questions. With tips on all you need to include and a carefully designed essay structure, arm yourself for typical exam questions in advance!

  • Custom Essays: ‘How does the Writer…?’
    13th May 2011

    Our third custom essay blog looks at the ideal essay format for answering ‘How does the writer…?’ style exam questions. We look at what information should be included and how it should be structured for top exam grades every time.