
  • Slashed EMA Hits College Enrolment
    13th October 2011

    As predicted by campaigners and protesters, the enrolment figures now prove that the government decision to slash the Education Maintenance Allowance has had a devastating effect on college enrolment figures amongst the poorest students. Read on for a detailed analysis of the facts and figures.

  • Save the EMA
    26th April 2011

    A heartfelt plea from a 15 year old schoolboy has reopened the debate on the EMA. We recap the key details of the EMA and its demise, and outline the government’s scheme to replace it with a £180 million fund. But will it be too little too late for UK education?

  • The Education Maintenance Allowance Debate
    20th January 2011

    As the government votes against reinstating the axed Education Maintenance Allowance, we consider the arguments on both sides, and ask what impact the cuts will really have on underpriveleged pupils. Can the government justify its claim that an enormous £500 million of funding should be withdrawn from support for sixth-form college attendees?